Tom Hanks and Rita Wison left the hospital just five days after announcing their coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis.

The actor and musician revealed their diagnosis on Wednesday (March 11) and left the Gold Coast University Hospital in Queensland, Australia to a rented home to finish their isolation period on Monday (March 16). Hanks' publicist confirmed the couple's departure from the hospital to People.

The Australian government agency, Queensland Heath, reported that the pair contracted the coronavirus while in the United States or while in transit to Australia. Hanks was in town filming Baz Luhrmann’s untitled Elvis Presley film, in which Hanks will portray Presley's famous manager, Colonel Tom Parker.

While in quarantine, Hanks and Wilson have been active on their social media accounts. Hanks shared an image of his stuffed kangaroo holding an Australian flag along with toast with an overabundance of Vegemite on it. Meanwhile, Wilson revealed that she will be focusing on songwriting and even created her own "Rita Wilson's Quarantunes" Spotify playlist.



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