Tips to Lubbock Residents to not Start a Fire This Holiday Season
As the the days get darker and houses are lit with beautiful lights we seem to forget that anything can become a fire hazard as we celebrate this time of year. One precaution is after all the leaves have fallen off the trees we go to the roof and check our HVAC vent stack, which is a pipe on the roof, and we clear out any debris. Along with debris there may be, for us there was always, a birds nest from the summer that can block air flow and possibly cause a fire so just take a vacuum cleaner hose to that nest and get rid of it. Sorry for evicting the birds.
As someone who was born raising chickens the expression don't put all your eggs in one basket has always been true especially when it comes to electricity or power outlets. Never plug too many things into one power source because it can pull too much power and cause a fire, that does mean you don't have to plug every Christmas light together. KAMC news reported that Lubbock Fire and Rescue advises to not stockpile combustibles and to keep space heaters three to four feet from any holiday décor, or any item in general that can catch fire.
Before a fire has a chance to occur make sure that all fire alarms in the home are up to date with batteries and are functioning properly. Anyone that doesn't have a smoke alarm or is needing one can request one from Lubbock Fire and Rescue on their website to make the holidays just a bit safer. If a fire does occur it is good to have a fire extinguisher but you do have to get a fire extinguisher that is the right type. Yes, there are different types of extinguishers. The National Fire Protection Association has information on the different fire extinguisher types and what kinds of fires they are best at combating on their website.
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