TikTokers Under Fire for Saying Whataburger Sucks
Whataburger is Texas’ favorite fast food place. The only other place that might be somewhat as popular is Chick-fil-A, but Whataburger still beats them by a landslide.
Growing up outside of Texas, it wasn’t a normal thing to be a die-hard fan of a fast food place. Sure, people had their favorite spot, but no one blindly follows a burger join in the way Whataburger fans do. I swear, even if the food wasn’t good, people would still obsess over it and say it’s the best. That’s just the Texas way to do things, I guess.

Due to the massive following Whataburger has, that means that anyone saying something bad about their food will get torn up online. That is exactly what happened to @blatantreviews when they tried Whataburger for the first time. They gave an honest review based on what they thought of their burgers, and they said they were overhyped and not as good as people say they are.
Warning: NSFW Language
I do think they were a little too intense in the way they reviewed the burgers, but who knows how much of the review was honest or just for the sake of an entertaining video. The entertainment factor creators are going for is something that people need to keep in mind when seeing a video like this.
They still managed to get a bunch of furious Whataburger fans in their comments in an attempt to defend their beloved Whataburger. The comments aren’t just people saying they like the burgers and that they disagree, these hard-core fans go a bit too far. They start saying the people trying the burgers suck for their opinion and telling them to never come to Texas. Many commenters even bring up their opinion of In ‘N’ Out even though it’s not even mentioned in the video.
That’s something I will always find funny as someone that was born in California. Texans always bring up In ‘N’ Out and feel like they have to say that it sucks and Whataburger is better. If you ask a Californian about Whataburger they will probably say it’s pretty good, they’ve never had it, or that they don’t even know what it is. Honestly, I didn’t even know about Whataburger until moving to Texas, and I think Whataburger isn’t bad, but I still think In ‘N’ Out is better.
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