A design firm came up with a genius idea to help stop child abuse for a Spanish organization called Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk. But should they be sharing how it works?

When a child is abused its often by someone very close to them like parents or other relatives. And children often don't even know that what's happening to them is wrong. So how do you get that message to the child without letting their abuser see it too, and possibly keep the child from seeing it?

Enter design firm Grey Group who used a technique called lenticular lensing. We've all seen these before even if you don't know what it
s called. Its one of those pictures that changes as the angle you hold it at changes. If you tilt it up you see one picture, and if you tilt it down you see another. So the Grey Group designed a street sign using that same technology to show one picture to adults, who would be looking down at the sign. And for the child, who would be looking up, they would see a message to call for help.

So my main question is: If they're telling everybody what they did and how they did it, wouldn't the potential abuser also know about it? Maybe this is one cool trick they should have kept under wraps for a while.

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