So let's take a 180 and talk about things that would make Lubbock a really cool place to live. This is some pie in the sky stuff that could be done by citizens, city leaders and/or private businesses. Let's get after it!

  • 1

    A Zoo

    I am not 100 percent down with zoos, but if they treat the animals really well I think they offer a tremendous benefit to a community.

    Sometimes we get hung up in our little worlds and forget that these magnificent and fascinating beasts really exist outside of the Discovery Channel.  A day walking around at a zoo can be good for the mind, body and soul.

  • 2

    Miniature Golf

    Bye bye, Putt-Putt! Maybe a phoenix can rise from the ashes. I guess in Lubbock a large indoor golf course would be good, but I have too many fond memories of those outdoor windmills, castles and other fun structures built into a mini-course.

  • 3

    Splash Pads, a new Waterpark or Pools

    Water is very much at a premium here, but getting into it is even harder. The joy of swimming is mostly left unexplored here and/or relegated to kid-oriented community pools. It just seems odd to me that you have to move into an apartment or join a gym to get a good swim in.

  • 4

    Areas to Bike and/or BMX

    When I was a kid, nearly every day was spent at a local park that had a hill. It was about eight feet tall and big as maybe half a football field. On the side were slopes of various sizes. We spent all day going up and down that hill and all skill levels were on display. Some nice trails in some city parks would be nice, too.

  • 5

    A Boardwalk or Riverwalk

    How about a string of nice businesses with some type of public space in front of them? Imagine, if you will, a really nice park in front of an ice cream shop and other fun shops. You could drop into a bookstore and head out the front door into a nice area with a picnic table or a tree. Sounds pretty sweet, doesn't it?

  • 6

    An Entertainment District

    Oops! We already have this, but a lack of cooperation between the city and the business owners are seeing the area deteriorate just a bit. Steps should be taken for more light, more police and more things to do during the day in the area.

    Bless the folks who are trying to make this area happen as individuals, but the city should take an active role in this area as a tourist destination. (Remember, "tourist" means the folks who come in on weekends from surrounding areas and not just folks coming in from other states or countries.)

  • 7

    Support for Alternative Entertainment

    Yes, this one may seem vague on the surface, but it's what makes cities like Austin tick.

    We tend to stick to the straight and narrow definitions of what is entertainment. We should be supporting burlesque, sideshow, comedy, belly dancers, alternative film and more.

    I'm personally doing my best to get this going with "Super Freaky Fun Time" at The Freaky Tiki, but I'd like to see it grow and flourish all over.

  • 8

    Control Over Urban Sprawl

    We don't do much to foster community here anymore. It used to be everything you needed was inside of The Loop. This creates a certain synergy.

    The problem is, people in Lubbock hate to drive (and with good reason: the other people in Lubbock can't drive), so some businesses that should survive can't due to the lack of support from the other areas of town.

    Lubbock has a really low population density and we should be revitalizing older areas instead of just moving away from them.

  • 9

    An Identity

    Please let me venture off into this somewhat vague concept for a second. The best way to get into this one is for you to play along at home.

    Without using Texas Tech University or its mascots, finish this sentence in your mind: "Lubbock, home of the____________."

    Do you see how nothing really goes in that space? We're not home to a big polkafest, giant rodeo, wrestling championships or anything. We get our identify from Texas Tech and mostly their sports. Lubbock is Texas Tech and Buddy Holly, and we have near zero control over those two things as a city.

  • 10

    A Nice Mid-Size Concert Venue

    Sorry kids, Lubbock is never going to compete for the really big national acts, so we should make a really cool fun home for the ones we get. Something in the area of 3,000-6,000 would be optimum.

    Truth be told, the Fairpark Coliseum and the Lubbock Coliseum would work with proper enhancements. Currently, Abilene and Amarillo are better suited for these kinds of shows; we're just lucky we get them at all.

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