These Baby Names are Officially Banned in Texas
Whether you have a name in mind that you have loved for your whole life, or you are the more spontaneous type and select it on the spot, picking your child’s name is an incredibly important moment.
There are so many amazing names out there to choose from. You can pick a family name, something with cultural significance, name them after someone important to you, or just go with whatever you think fits your child.

While there are so many great options out there, and you can even make up a name on the spot if you’d like, there are actually some restrictions in place that make it so parents can’t name their kid absolutely anything. In fact, there are actually names that are completely banned in certain states.
We’ve all heard names that are particularly questionable and undesirable to the general public, but just because they are considered odd doesn’t mean they are banned.
Some of these names are banned across the entire United States, while others are specific to individual states. Texas has its own restrictions along with the nationally banned names. So, let’s take a look at some of the names that are banned in Texas.