Yesterday was a solemn reminder of how fragile life can be. The world lost two amazing young people, one of which was a friend of mine.

Words are not enough to express the sorrow that so many are feeling right now. Death is harsh, but it is much harsher when it comes for the young. There is so much promise that remains unfulfilled, so many things that didn't get said, and so many lives that are forever altered.

You only get one chance as the person you are on this earth. To spend that one chance fighting or hating is the ultimate waste of a life.

In honor of these gentle spirits, now would be a good time to show a little extra love, patience and compassion. Make the loss of these two mean something even if you didn't know them. Most importantly, hug the ones you love.

I used to make Sami come over and hug me whenever she visited, and now I'm very glad I did. She knew her extended Nightmare on 19th Street family loved her very much.

I can also tell you that from talking to Caleb's friends, he was loved very much. He was an incredibly talented bass player with an infectious smile.

Rest In Peace Sami Leatherwood & Caleb Sims.

You can donate to help cover Sami's funeral costs at GoFundMe. They're seeking to raise $1,000. Should a GoFundMe page be created for Caleb, we'll add that info here, too.

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