Lubbock favorites The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus are coming back to The Hub City to rock live Wednesday, April 20 at Jake's Backroom.

Want to see the show for free? Find out how here.

It's simple enough: Just listen to me, E, on KISS every weekday between 2 and 6 p.m. I've got a bunch of tickets for you to win! No hassles, just winning with KISS FM!

This is the band's 10-year anniversary tour of "Don't You Fake It," their breakout album with the hit FaceDown on it.

This is a pretty big show because the band is only playing four dates in Texas: Lubbock, Houston, Dallas, and Austin. Lubbock is such a favorite of the band that they're playing here and not in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, El Paso or any other Texas city!

Or you could save time and buy your tickets at this link. This show will probably sell out, so don't waste time.

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