If it is one thing that YouTube has plenty of, it's pranks and practical jokes. So many in fact that there are TV shows dedicated  to just bringing you the best of the best when it comes to the Internet.Tosh.O and Ridiculousness just to name a couple.

It would be way to hard to narrow down my choice to just one but this following video I would place in my Top 10. Here is the rundown: A TV show in Brazil recently pulled off a pretty mean elevator prank that you can check out online.  First they rigged the elevator with hidden cameras, and waited for someone to get in.  Once the elevator was moving, they'd cut the lights for a few seconds. And when they came back on, a little girl in horror movie make-up would be standing next to them and would start screaming.  Then the lights would cut out again, and she'd disappear.

Check This Out:

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