The 5 Biggest Pregnancy Myths That Lubbock Moms Should Know
Every pregnancy is different. These words annoyed me so much throughout my first pregnancy, but once I got pregnant again I realized that they could not be more true. However, there are a few myths that seem to circle around that are actually false.
Here's what moms-to-be should know.
The Top 5 Pregnancy Misconceptions
Superstitions can sometimes give us hope and sometimes they can steer us in the wrong direction. We spoke with Dr. David Blann from Covenant Medical Group about the top five misconceptions about pregnancy, labor and delivery. Make sure to read to the end. His last comment is my absolute favorite. If a doctor said it, it must be true!
Pediatricians Wish Parents Knew These Top Seven Things
Knowledge is power when it comes to raising your kids. Dr. Vanessa Dalton, a pediatrician with Covenant Children’s Hospital in Lubbock shines a light on some of the misconceptions and stigmas that surround children’s health.
Top 9 Car Seat Mistakes Parents Commonly Make
Car seat misuse is more common than you think. This is partially due to the fact that once installed, most parents don't make the necessary adjustments as their child grows. I spoke with Karen Mitchell, the traffic safety specialist with the Behavioral Traffic Safety Section at the Texas Department of Transportation, about the biggest mistakes that parents make that could impact their child's safety.