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We already know Lubbock is considered one of the least safe cities in Texas, so many people are interested in moving to the parts of the city that are deemed the safest.

Whether you are looking to start a family, or you just want to feel secure where you're living, it is important to consider the crime rate in the area you're in. Overall, Lubbock is only safer than 3% of cities in the U.S. with a total crime rate of 54 per 1,000 residents. The majority of these crimes being property related at 43 per 1,000 residents.

When is comes to violent crimes, Lubbock's averages are higher than the national average.  These averages get even more extreme when looking at Lubbock property crime rate compared to the national average, pretty much doubling each category of burglary, theft, and motor vehicle theft.

With all that being said, their are definitely parts of Lubbock where these crimes are more prevalent (although they do happen all over the city). If you are concerned about any of this, there are some parts of Lubbock that are considered safer than others, mostly on the edges of the city that are slowly developing.

There are so many nice houses, especially new builds popping up in these areas, so take a look at Lubbock's ten safest neighborhoods according to neighborhoodscout.com, and see if any of them appeal to you.

The 10 Safest Lubbock Neighborhoods in 2022

These are the 10 safest neighborhoods in Lubbock according to Neighborhoodscout.com.

The 10 Most Expensive Lubbock Neighborhoods in 2022

These are the 10 most expensive neighborhoods in Lubbock according to neighborhoodscout.com, as well as the most expensive house currently for sale in that area according to zillow.com.

30+ Photos of The Most Expensive House Currently For Sale in Texas

This estate is massive and is currently for sale in Dallas, Texas.

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