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We looked at the most expensive neighborhood in Lubbock, as well as the safest, but what about the least expensive?

If you are looking for an inexpensive home that has plenty of potential but might need a little tender love and care, these neighborhoods could be a good option. With media real estate prices ranging from  $55,774 to $96,887, these are the 10 least expensive neighborhoods in Lubbock and the least expensive house currently for sale in each.

The 10 Least Expensive Lubbock Neighborhoods in 2022

The 10 least expensive Lubbock neighborhoods according to Neighborhoodscout.com and the least expensive house currently for sale in each area according to Zillow.com.

The 10 Most Expensive Lubbock Neighborhoods in 2022

These are the 10 most expensive neighborhoods in Lubbock according to neighborhoodscout.com, as well as the most expensive house currently for sale in that area according to zillow.com.

The 10 Safest Lubbock Neighborhoods in 2022

These are the 10 safest neighborhoods in Lubbock according to Neighborhoodscout.com.

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