Texas Tech students will be holding a special event for the Lubbock community and students are encouraged to register for Tech to Town 2018.

For this year's Tech to Town project, students will come together to help benefit the community by doing such things as working with animal shelters, cleaning parks and working with foster families.

Tech to Town is a great way to showcase how much we appreciate the city of Lubbock and its support for Texas Tech,” said Robbie Myer, Student Government Association (SGA) president. “The student body is very willing to help keep our city clean and positively contribute where we're needed. This is an amazing opportunity for us to show how much Lubbock means to Texas Tech.

After the event, there will be a concert featuring Grammy winner Hunter Hays at 7 pm at Urbanovsky Park on the Texas Tech campus. Food and other entertainment will start at 4:30 pm on April 7th.

Texas Tech students are encouraged to visit the Volunteer Center of Lubbock.


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