New details have come out regarding the incident at a bar in Lubbock that led to the arrest of four Texas Tech football players.

See the full Lubbock Police body cam footage below

On Sunday, Lubbock police released a shorter summary of the incident, which included multiple police officers and a K-9 unit. Four Texas Tech football players -- Desmon Smith-Williams, Furquan Shorts, Jett Duffey and Christian Taylor - were arrested during the incident.

After police received a call close to 2 a.m. about a disturbance at Bash Riprock's, officers arrived and found a large group impeding traffic. One person was seen smashing a car's windshield, and was arrested by officers. During the arrest process, the crowd became hostile to the officers, police say.

One Texas Tech football player, Desmon Smith Williams, suffered a dog bite during the incident. He was treated and released from University Medical Center before being booked into the Lubbock Country Detention Center.

"[Christian] Taylor smashed a car windshield in front of one of the responding officers and Jett Duffey damaged property at ULOFTS in front of officers while we were trying to disperse the crowd," the police summary said.

Here's a longer narrative from LPD's incident report, written by one of the responding officers. In it, he describes a chaotic scene involving around 150 people and how he and two other officers drew a baton and tasers as "a show of force and an escalation of force" in response to a crowd that "was not following our commands."


IP2 was driving V1’s vehicle, while V1 was in the rear of the vehicle.
A1 and A2 are team mates for Texas Tech Football.
IP3 was a representative for VAB1.

Police radio call to 2419 Main street, Bash Riprocks Bar, in reference to a civil disturbance with an armed subject.

Upon arrival, in my presence, A1 committed the listed criminal mischief without the consent of V1. A2 committed
the listed criminal mischief without the consent of VAB1.

See related Disorderly Conduct Arrest report 18-10224.

Officer Joshua Jones and I parked on the 2400 block of Main Street, due to high traffic and the listed bar was closing, we parked near avenue X on Main Street. Officer S. King and Officer Jones were ahead of me towards the listed bar. As I was walking, I observed a Black male, later identified as A1, in the middle of the street. I observed A1 open the back door of a black passenger car traveling westbound. At this time, I was unsure if that was A1’s ride home or a random vehicle. A1 made no attempt to enter into the vehicle.

A1 was traveling at a slow pace with two other males eastbound on the 2400 block of Main Street. The listed vehicle was traveling eastbound on the 2400 block of Main Street. The listed vehicle was traveling at a pace similar to A1. A1 then kicked the listed vehicle. I observed the vehicle was not interfering with A1 who was walking where I sidewalk was provided. I began to approach A1 and as I was within 15 feet of A1, I observed him, with a closed right fist, punch the windshield of the listed vehicle one time. I heard the window break and observed an impact on the vehicle’s windshield.

I approached A1 and placed my arms around A1’s body in a bear hug. I advised A1 I was Lubbock Police Department. At this time, the group A1 was with began to interfere. A1 advised that the listed vehicle had tried to hit him. From where I was at, I could clearly see that the vehicle was simply traveling eastbound at a slow pace attempting to leave the area. I placed A1 in handcuffs as Officer Forrester, Officer S. King, and Officer Jones returned. Officer Forrester and I began to escort A1 away from the area and back to my patrol vehicle when A1 refused to walk on his own accord. At this time, dozens of citizens began approaching us creating an officer safety issue.

Other Officers and I stopped at the entrance to the parking garage of U loft apartments to maintain A1 and create a safer situation. As the crowd continued to grow more hostile our use of force escalated. Officer Forrester and Officer King drew their tasers while watching over A1.

I drew my Lubbock Police Department issued asp from my holster. I did not strike anyone with it but used it as a show of force and an escalation of force since the crowd was not following our commands. Other officers and myself were dressed in our Lubbock Police issued uniform complete with badge, patches, and duty belt. This did not phase the crowd and even more people arrived onscene. At this time, I had commanded IP1 to leave multiple times. IP1 remained onscene and continued to encroach on our defensive perimeter. Due to IP1 refusing to leave, I grabbed a hold of her to take her into custody for disorderly conduct. IP1 pulled away and was taken to the ground. IP1 refused to provide her hands but eventually complied with our commands. IP1 was taken back to where A1 was located while additional units arrived onscene.

While attempting to disperse the crowd that was approximately 150 people, I observed A2 punch a hole in the wall of VAB1. I observed the whole approximately 18 inches in length and 6 inches in width. I observed A2 in my presence damage the listed property of VAB1 without the consent of VAB1. Officer Morton made contact with representative for VAB1. See Officer Morton’s supplement for further details. Officer J. Jones and I transported A1 to Lubbock County Jail. A1 was arrested, transported and booked into
Lubbock County Jail. I attached A1’s booking forms as trailing documents.

A2 was transported via the paddy wagon to Lubbock County Jail. A2 was arrested, transported, and booked into Lubbock County Jail. I attached A2’s booking forms as trailing documents. Neither A1 nor A2 were injured.

According to police, 10 people in total were arrested: two for Criminal Mischief and eight for Disorderly Conduct.

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