The man has a history of abusing others in the past.

This past Sunday, a very scary incident took place in Balcones Heights, Texas. Bryan Hoover has been accused of dousing his girlfriend's arms and legs in alcohol. He then set the areas on fire causing severe burns. The two apparently were arguing and the girlfriend Angelique Christianson said she was done with Bryan. That is when this incident took place.

Balcones Heights police said Hoover has had several run-ins with the law in the past. “From what we gathered from a background search, he does have some issues as far as with assault right now," Balcones Heights Police Chief John Jahanara said. Angelique's brother was in the residence at the time and grabbed a blanket to put the fire out.

Angelique is expected to recover from the severe burns. The unborn baby is also said to be OK, but there is a concern that Hoover could hurt Christianson again. Bryan Hoover faces aggravated assault, serious bodily injury and family violence charges. More charges could follow.


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