Texas Lawmaker Introduces HB2315 for Creation of Protective Order Registry
It's an age-old question that has crescendoed into a deafening roar in our modern society: what is more valuable, vital or important- safety or privacy?
House Bill 2315, known as "Monica's Law" was introduced late February. If passed, the act could go into effect September 2017 and the registry it creates could be online January of next year.
HB2315 would create an online registry of individuals who have had protective orders successfully issued against them:
In essence, it would be similar to the Texas Sex Offender Registry, which allows the public to search for convicted sex offenders in order to obtain information and protect themselves and their children.
The logic is that a Protective Order Registry could inform people if their romantic interest, etc. has had protective orders issued against them for abuse, threats, etc. However, since it's public knowledge, an employer or anyone would have easy access to that information.
As for me, I usually side of privacy when it comes to any law, but in this particular instance I can't help but hope it passes. HB2315 is called "Monica's Law" for a reason, after all, according to NewsWest9:
Monica Deming, the inspiration behind the legislation, was murdered in an act of domestic violence. Monica, a 32-year-old mother, was shot and killed in her Odessa home by an abusive ex-boyfriend on November 29, 2015.
Before her death, Nielsen says Monica's ex was stalking, harassing, and threatening her. [...] What Monica didn't know, was her ex-boyfriend had a secret. He had two previous protective orders against him for domestic violence.
A man with a history of abuse and instability was able to simply move on and form new poisonous relationships with unsuspecting women. A registry like this could give you insight into the other person before you even went on a first date.
If you feel strongly about this law, you can contact your representative and voice your comments and concerns.
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