This is not a public sale, and that's a great thing. The Lubbock Target on University is having a teachers-only sale on Friday, August 4th. Our teachers are absolutely worth this and so much more!

I don't even know if I'm supposed to write about this, but I wanted as many teachers as possible to see this. Our teachers shouldn't have to buy their own supplies for our kids, but thanks to a backwards set of priorities in government, the educational funding in America, and especially Texas, is pathetic.

So a huge bravo to our local Target store at 7302 University Ave. for this teachers-only sale.

Friday, August 4th from 6-8 a.m., teachers with a valid ID or pay stub will be allowed to shop for supplies with great discounts, saving $10 on every $50 they spend on school supplies. So if you or someone you know is a teacher please share this with them. And if you can donate to your kids school or teacher or even just a school in your neighborhood, please do. Our teachers and kids deserve better than they receive.

Thank you Target! You've already won my business before, and you continue to do great things for all of us.

Mandy Cooper Via Facebook
Mandy Cooper Via Facebook

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