Watch Adam Driver Crack Up Filming SNL’s Undercover Kylo Ren Sketch
Watch Adam Driver Crack Up Filming SNL’s Undercover Kylo Ren Sketch
Watch Adam Driver Crack Up Filming SNL’s Undercover Kylo Ren Sketch
The moment Adam Driver was announced as the first SNL host of 2016, we knew a Star Wars: The Force Awakens sketch would be coming, and the NBC mainstay didn’t disappoint. Spoofing Undercover Boss with Kylo Ren was delightful, but who knew Driver had such a tough time keeping a straight face? Watch this SNL behind-the-scenes video to see for yourself.
SNL Makes Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren an ‘Undercover Boss’ on Starkiller Base
SNL Makes Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren an ‘Undercover Boss’ on Starkiller Base
SNL Makes Adam Driver’s Kylo Ren an ‘Undercover Boss’ on Starkiller Base
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Adam Driver hosting 2016’s first episode of SNL, a Kylo Ren sketch of some kind was inevitable. After all, you don't get the actor who plays the villain in one of the biggest movies of all time to appear on your comedy variety show and not have him reprise that character. And we'll give the show this much: we never would have predicted a faux episode of Undercover Boss set on Starkiller Base, with the angry, murderous Kylo Ren going undercover amongst his troops as a radar technician named Matt.
SNL Ranked: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Give Us the Gift of Pure Joy
SNL Ranked: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Give Us the Gift of Pure Joy
SNL Ranked: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler Give Us the Gift of Pure Joy
SNL delivers the greatest Christmas gift of all by inviting both Tina Fey and Amy Poehler to host the 2015 finale together, the way nature intended. With their new comedy Sisters in theaters this weekend (take that, Star Wars), the duo hit the SNL stage in top form with a handful of surprise guests, a couple of classic characters and a whole, whole lot of joy. Read on for our ranking of this week’s sketches from best to worst.
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL Introduces Settl, the Dating App For Desperate People
SNL commercial parodies are at their best when they’re at their most scathing. The fake ad for a fictional dating app called Settl may not be as dark as that vicious, pro-gun parody from a while back, but it’s a different brand of cynical: Here is the app for people who are tired of trying to find the right person and just want to settle down with, well, any person.
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
SNL Digs Up the ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Screen Tests You Never Thought You’d See
With Star Wars: The Force Awakens less than a month away from release and anticipation reaching a feverish level unseen in movie fans since 1999, the timing is right for SNL to gently skewer the upcoming sequel. The sketch is really just an excuse for the cast to break out a bunch of impersonations they’ve obviously been keeping in their back pockets while letting them interact with actual Star Wars cast members, but c’mon, that’s all the excuse you need, really.
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
A ‘Jeopardy’ Contestant Got Alex Trebek to Say ‘Turd Ferguson’
Alex Trebek is a cultural institution, a beacon of knowledge and grace under pressure. Everyone loves him. Which is why it’s always amusing to watch the unflappable host of Jeopardy say silly words and phrases in that reliable deadpan of his. A recent episode of the immortal game show saw him forced to say the name “Turd Ferguson,” which should amuse anyone with a passing knowledge of modern comedy.
SNL Forces the Cast to Apologize to Their Actual Mothers
SNL Forces the Cast to Apologize to Their Actual Mothers
SNL Forces the Cast to Apologize to Their Actual Mothers
Last night’s generally unremarkable episode of SNL peaked early when it took advantage of its proximity to Mother’s Day to do something kind of remarkable. As part of her opening monologue, guest host Reese Witherspoon declared that the show was going to mark the occasion by bringing each cast member out with his or her mother...and then forcing them to apologize for their childhood transgressions.
SNL Ranked: Reese Witherspoon Doesn’t Disappoint, But This Episode Sure Does
SNL Ranked: Reese Witherspoon Doesn’t Disappoint, But This Episode Sure Does
SNL Ranked: Reese Witherspoon Doesn’t Disappoint, But This Episode Sure Does
Reese Witherspoon has had an interesting time lately: the producer of Gone Girl, nominated for an Oscar for her performance in Wild, and the recent star of the not-so-funny Hot Pursuit. But Witherspoon is funny — she’s also immensely charming and versatile (obviously), and she knows how to light up a room. Unfortunately, she’s not really the star of this week’s SNL, suffering from the same fate that befell Scarlett Johansson in last week’s underwhelming episode. Throughout the bulk of the episode, Witherspoon is more like a supporting player than the star, and I’m growing concerned about how terrible these female-hosted episodes have been lately and what that says about SNL in general.
SNL Sends ‘Game of Thrones’ to “South Centros”
SNL Sends ‘Game of Thrones’ to “South Centros”
SNL Sends ‘Game of Thrones’ to “South Centros”
In the cutthroat world of HBO’s Game of Thrones, life is hard and even the most innocent people find themselves victimized by the powers that be. So of course SNL would make the comparison between living in Westeros and living on the means streets of Los Angeles. Yes, it’s time to visit the eighth kingdom of this wildly popular fantasy series: South Centros.
SNL Lets ‘The Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Crash “Weekend Update”
SNL Lets ‘The Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Crash “Weekend Update”
SNL Lets ‘The Walking Dead’ Star Norman Reedus Crash “Weekend Update”
Since The Walking Dead just ended its fifth season and it’s still one of the biggest shows in the history of television, it makes sense that SNL would pause to talk about it. After all, what good is the “Weekend Update” segment if the anchors don’t occasionally stop to talk about what’s big in popular culture? And what good is SNL if it can’t get one of the most popular actors from The Walking Dead to stop by for a minute-long cameo?
SNL Ranked: Dwayne Johnson Truly Is Franchise Viagra
SNL Ranked: Dwayne Johnson Truly Is Franchise Viagra
SNL Ranked: Dwayne Johnson Truly Is Franchise Viagra
SNL returns with an all-new episode, bringing Dwayne Johnson back to, uh, rock the stage for the fourth time as guest host. Johnson has charisma almost as big as his formidable biceps, and it’s always a treat to see him flex his comedic muscles. Okay, enough with the brawny puns. Johnson really delivers on his promise in this week’s episode, which is, aside from a couple of hiccups, almost entirely perfect. Read on for your weekly SNL sketch rankings.

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