Lubbock's Mugshot Monday: 53 Arrested the First Week of AugustLubbock's Mugshot Monday: 53 Arrested the First Week of August53 mugshots of individuals arrested and booked into the Lubbock County Detention Center during the week of July 31 - August 6, 2023.CeCeCeCe
Lubbock Woman Makes Things Right with Kind Gesture Lubbock Woman Makes Things Right with Kind Gesture I was fortunate enough to experience a kind gesture today that absolutely took me by surprise. Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Pay It Forward This Fall: Top 14 Ways to Spread Joy This SeasonPay It Forward This Fall: Top 14 Ways to Spread Joy This SeasonThis world would be a better place if everyone spent a little bit of time thinking about others. Here are some easy and affordable ways to spread joy this season!Heidi KayeHeidi Kaye