Kye Batman for a day

Arlington Police and Firemen Teamed Up to Grant a Sick Kid’s Wish to Be Batman for a Day and Foil a Robbery [VIDEO]
Arlington Police and Firemen Teamed Up to Grant a Sick Kid’s Wish to Be Batman for a Day and Foil a Robbery [VIDEO]
Arlington Police and Firemen Teamed Up to Grant a Sick Kid’s Wish to Be Batman for a Day and Foil a Robbery [VIDEO]
Make-a-Wish, eat your heart out, this is how you take care of a kid's last wish. The Arlington, Texas police and fire departments teamed up to help grant the wish of a seven-year-old boy with leukemia.  Seven-year-old Kye told the Wish With Wings charity that he wanted to be Batman for a day, so on Saturday, he got a Batman costume and teamed up with an officer dressed as a grown-up Batman... Read