
Men and Kittens Basically Has to Be Your Favorite Tumblr
Men and Kittens Basically Has to Be Your Favorite Tumblr
Men and Kittens Basically Has to Be Your Favorite Tumblr
French Tumblr Des Hommes et des Chatons (Men and Kittens) makes us wonder -- do we like kittens because they remind us of hunky dudes, or do we like hunky dudes because they remind us of kittens? Or, are they both great and this is the best Tumblr evvvaaar?! Probably that last one.
DJ Kittens Rule! [VIDEO]
DJ Kittens Rule! [VIDEO]
DJ Kittens Rule! [VIDEO]
The most awesome thing about this video is that these kittens are actually dj'ing. You can tell when the record speeds up or fades out. And they just might be better than some dj's I've heard in clubs before. Anyway kittens are always fun. But these cats kick ass at the club...