What exactly does the term “break the internet” mean? Web-surfers understand the definition as “causing a commotion of such great size and scale that the World Wide Web could shut down as a result of its enormity,” and yet the phrase only conjures one image to mind — that of Kim Kardashian on her notorious Paper Magazine cover, popping champagne directly onto a glass balanced atop her buttocks. So when Disney announced yesterday that their sequel to video game hodgepodge Wreck-It Ralph would bear the subtitle Ralph Breaks the Internet, we may interpret it one of two ways. Either Ralph’s going to go on an epic quest through the online wilds, or the 8-bit hero is about to blow our minds with the roundest ’donk in the history of animated cinema.
As if video game nostalgia weren't enough to get audiences into the theater, 'Wreck-it Ralph,' which opens November 2, has been laying out more and more content to get people excited. The latest are two featurettes that highlight the making of the film, and the voice cast, which includes John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman and Jane Lynch.
It's official: Actress Jane Lynch will host the 2011 Emmys, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences confirmed Thursday.
"Jane was my first - and only - choice as the host for this year's Primetime Emmys, and I am glad she said 'yes,'" executive producer Mark Burnett said in a statement.