If you aren’t sure what name was the most popular the year you were born, or you want to see how certain name’s popularity changed over time, keep scrolling to see the most popular boy and girl names from the years 1960-2022.
After a 4.9-magnitude earthquake shook West Texas on Monday, July 22, 2024, it has many Texans wondering what the history of Texas earthquakes looks like.
Hidetown grew into a large settlement, taking the name Sweetwater City, and eventually Mobeetie, the native name for the town which means ‘buffalo dung’.
This $500 million project will include preserving the 300-year-old Church and Long Barrack, recapturing the original mission site and battle footprint, and creating a brand-new visitor center and museum to share the site’s full story.
The hotel was built in 1956, in the quirky "space age" style, (aka googie style), popular then thanks to the Cold War and a growing interest in outer space.