Season Hopper: Forget Fall, Some Lubbock Folks are Ready for WintSeason Hopper: Forget Fall, Some Lubbock Folks are Ready for WintChristmas décor hit the shelves at the same time as the fall decorations... What's your opinion on the matter?CeCeCeCe
When Should you Take Down your Christmas Decorations? When Should you Take Down your Christmas Decorations? The only struggle of loving Christmas décor so much, is figuring out when the best time is to take it all down.Emily ClaireEmily Claire
Get Ready for Fall With These Texas-Made Decorations Get Ready for Fall With These Texas-Made Decorations The official first day of fall is only one month away, which means it’s time to gather up all those decorations and refresh your collection.Emily ClaireEmily Claire
At Least One Store In Lubbock Is Already Selling Christmas StuffAt Least One Store In Lubbock Is Already Selling Christmas StuffOne Lubbock home decor store is already stocked up on Christmas trees, ornaments, and a variety of other decorations.Emily ClaireEmily Claire