Chloe Lantanzzi

Olivia Newton-John’s Daughter Released a Disturbing Music Video and Australia Is Freaking Out [VIDEO] NSFW
Olivia Newton-John’s Daughter Released a Disturbing Music Video and Australia Is Freaking Out [VIDEO] NSFW
Olivia Newton-John’s Daughter Released a Disturbing Music Video and Australia Is Freaking Out [VIDEO] NSFW
Olivia Newton John's 25-year-old daughter Chloe Lanttanzi has released a fairly disturbing music video and Australia is totally freaking out over it. Here's the deal: The video is for a song called "Play with Me". The song and video have been described as having a "Marilyn Manson vibe" and that's pretty accurate. In the video, Chloe commits suicide TWICE in front of a dude who barely acknowledges her. She electrocutes herself in a bathtub, and slits her wrists in a bed. Later in the video, she points a gun at her head, and does a bunch of coke.