The 28-Day Challenge continues this week at United Supermarkets and United's Brenda Duby joined me to discuss the challenge and some of the highlights that participants are seeing this week.

Once you sign-up for the challenge, you will receive a weekly email with seven daily challenges, including swaps and solutions. This week participants were challenged to use spices instead of butter and oil. Another tip this week? Snacks with less calories. Duby brought up eating Parmesan Crisps instead of potato chips.

During the 28-Day Challenge participants can win prizes including a $100 gift card each week and a $500 grand prize. Sign-up for the 28-Day Challenge today and learn more by watching the video above.

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The United Supermarkets Family is making healthy shopping easier by helping you build a better basket. Find out more at United Supermarkets’ official website

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