Spider-Man, Katy Perry, and the New Oliver Stone Movie “Savages” Hits Theaters This Weekend
The Amazing Spider-Man" (PG-13)
Peter Parker is played by Andrew Garfield, who you last saw in "The Social Network". And Martin Sheen and Sally Field are his Uncle Ben and Aunt May.
There's some kind of secret surrounding his dad's genetic research, but the rest of Spider-Man's origin story is still intact fght down to the spider bite.
Emma Stone is Peter's high school crush, and Denis Leary plays her dad. He's also the cop hunting Spider-Man down. Rhys Ifans, a.k.a. Luna Lovegood's dad in the "Harry Potter" movies, is the villain.
"Katy Perry: Part of Me" (PG)
The Katy Perry concert documentary provides some insight into her strict Christian upbringing, and includes footage of her as a kid, listening to herself on the radio for the first time, and talking to very religious parents about "I Kissed a Girl".
The Katy Perry concert documentary provides some insight into her strict Christian upbringing, and includes footage of her as a kid, listening to herself on the radio for the first time, and talking to very religious parents about "I Kissed a Girl".
The movie also includes her break-up with Russell Brand. He barely has any screen time, but you do see Katy in tears when she realizes it's over between them right before she takes the stage at a concert in Brazil.
"Savages" (R)
Aaron Johnson from "Kick Ass" and Taylor Kitsch from "Friday Night Lights" go to war against a Mexican drug cartel that wants in on their marijuana business and kidnaps the girl they're BOTH dating. She's played by Blake Lively.
Aaron Johnson from "Kick Ass" and Taylor Kitsch from "Friday Night Lights" go to war against a Mexican drug cartel that wants in on their marijuana business and kidnaps the girl they're BOTH dating. She's played by Blake Lively.
Salma Hayek runs the cartel, Benicio Del Toro is her enforcer, John Travolta plays a corrupt DEA agent working both sides of the law, and it's directed by Oliver Stone.