Southern Woman Tries Different Types of Minnow Bait So You Don’t Have To

Many people love spending the summer doing things in the water. Whether it’s a pool, lake, or river, it’s always nice to cool off and take a swim on a hot day.
Along with swimming, fishing is another popular summer activity to do in the water. If you regularly go fishing at a river or lake and like catching your own bait to lure bigger fish, there is a TikTok account you have to check out.
TikToker @emgaudy3 spends a lot of time fishing at her local river, and she uses a minnow trap to catch her own bait. She typically uses crackers to get the fish inside the trap, but after receiving requests from her viewers, she started trying out different things.
From chips to fish flakes, she’s found varying success with different food in the minnow traps. Some do really well, like fish flakes, while others don’t do a great job, like dog food. This is something that might vary depending on where you’re fishing, but it can save you some time trying different food out yourself by seeing what works for another person.
Keep in mind that this TikToker’s videos aren’t the most kid friendly because she likes to use lots of innuendos. Despite that, she is very entertaining and her videos are pretty informative for those looking to find the best way to catch the most minnows. Keep scrolling to see some of the videos she's posted.
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