With YouTube and other websites people are now allowed to let us into their little weird worlds. You can watch kids and adults FAIL or a drunk bust their ass, even a whole slew of pranks that will keep you from work all day. There seems to be no limit of what people will post including themselves making a total ass out of themselves. This, I do not get. Why put a camera in front of your face and proceed to embarrass yourself for all to see and mock?

Singing is one of the most popular posts that we enjoy hating on YouTube. Some people are really good. A 16 year old from Harlem doing Alicia Keys? Yes, usually not too bad. A 14 year old Jewish kid doing Skrillex? 9 out of 10 times BAD! But who am I to crush a dream. Here is a kid you will not see in your Top Ten of American Idol.

Check it out:

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