Many college students are beginning their semesters by moving into a new place. New homes, townhouses and dorms, but mostly into apartments. Apartments often get a bad rap for not feeling like home. That's about to change.

Here's a few simple ways you can make your apartment feel more like home.

Make It Smell Good: Candles, candle warmers, potpourri or room spray can easily achieve this. Buy something familiar that your parents keep at home can help keep you from getting homesick.

Photos: Even if it's just one photo of your childhood pet or entire family portrait, it can make you feel right at home.

Bring One Item From Home: Put something completely and totally unique to you in your new place. From teddy bears to an old t-shirt, bring that little something that will always remind you of home.

Create a Quiet Space: Everyone needs a place of peace. An area where you can just chill out, think, relax, study, or get some work done!

This story was brought to you by The Republic at Lubbock.


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