Signs You Might Have Been Born a Dad, in Time for Father’s Day
Father's Day is quickly approaching and that means dads are going to be doing the stereotypical dad things this weekend. You would be surprised to know that there are some guys in this world that give off dad energy and aren't even dads, they're just born dads.
What Are You Wearing?
It's very easy to spot if someone is giving off naturally born dad energy usually by how they dress. You do get the stereotypical dressed dads that wear jorts (jean shorts), sneakers, high socks pushed down, and maybe a polo or sweater. Don't worry though because even though you dress naturally as a dad, and probably have no kids, it's nothing to be ashamed of. Actually the high socks pushed down is shameful.
Speak to me Papa
One thing dads love is to talk about what they are proud about or just what they're into in that moment. For some it's about lawn or plant care, mostly, and pointing it out when those things grow. Also sports games whether it's their child or professional sports. Also they love talking about the pet that they didn't want but ended up being loved by it more than anyone else in the household. We get it you have love to offer!
Advice in Life
Those natural dads always seem to have the best advice when it comes to just everyday things in life. For instance things such as work, love life, credit score, bills, and even car care are just automatically installed into those natural dads. Wisdom is key to a natural dad.
In reality there are plenty of great dads out there and I hope they have the best Father's Day grilling all the barbecue meats, mowing their green lawns, and yelling at us for not holding the light right when fixing a car. Share with us your favorite memory of your dad in the comments below.