What's going on?

Make Sure What You Sell On Facebook Matches The Picture!
If this is an all wood desk then color me impressed!

Stranger Things Helps Bring Back New Coke?
I know quite a few people in Lubbock who can't get enough stranger things, and I know I can't get enough of nostalgic products that have been brought back like Surge and Crystal Pepsi.

Pop 2000 Tour Photos
This was a such a fun show, and we're glad 102.5 KISS FM and our listeners got to be part of it.

J Balvin Live in Lubbock Tonight
We don't get many big pop shows in Lubbock anymore, so when a BIG one comes to town, 102.5 Kiss FM wants to be a BIG part of it.

This Week At Your Lubbock Public Libraries!
I can never say it enough, the Lubbock Libraries are an incredible resource that you should use. This week they have a lot going on, so why not check it out!

Time For Movies On The Wall in Slaton!
Slaton's Legacy Project is bringing back Movies On The Wall beginning on Saturday, June 1st!

If You Have Old Cans of Pam Cooking Spray, Throw Them Out Now
It looks like nothing is safe anymore, not even Pam cooking spray.

Win a Family 4-Pack to Joyland
Want to have a fun family outing with the kids? 102.5 KISS FM has you covered!

Win a Trip to the Pop 2000 Tour in Midland, Texas
We have a chance for you to see O-Town, Ryan Cabera, and Aaron Carter in Midland, hosted by Lance Bass of NSYNC.

Birthday Freebies – Yes, Please!
I don't know about you, but I love getting free, or almost free, stuff on my BDay!
Here is a list of free stuff you can get on your BirthDay!
From Retail Me Not:
Applebee’s: Join its email club and get a birthday special—most likely a free dessert-y treat...

Cool Whip is Good, Birthday Cake Cool Whip Is Insane!
Birthday. Cake. Cool Whip. That is all.