Sandra Bullock Speaks at High School Graduation in New Orleans (Video)
Texas native Sandra Bullock surprised the students at Warren Easton Charter High School in New Orleans yesterday by showing up and speaking at their graduation. Over the years, the “Speed” start has donated thousands of dollars to the high school which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The actress and mother of Louis (who was born in New Orleans) said she was recently asked if she could go back to high school and give herself some advice what would she tell her younger self. Here's just some of the advice she gave them.
1) Stop Worrying so much
2) Raise the bar higher
3) Eat something green everyday
4) Do not pick your nose in public
5) When someone hugs you hug them back
Check out the 4 minute speech above which includes other advice. As well as, what she and her son do everyday before leaving the house.
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