How was your last flying experience? Did you feel like a cow being transported? There is no way it could compare to the maddness in the sky that is "Rihanna's 777 Tour" plane. The plane is packed with journalists and contest winners and is taking everyone along for Rihanna's 777 Tour, which is hitting seven countries for seven shows in seven days.

The videos you may see on RiRi's website and on YouTube may not paint an accurate picture of whats really going on. One of the journalists onboard sent a report back to, complaining about the conditions.  He or she says they don't get enough sleep and food and they don't have regular access to bathrooms!

He or she also reports they're not getting any real access to Rihanna, which is something they expected as part of the special trip. The journalist says the contest-winning fans are already wishing they were back at home.

Bummer right? Well at least someone is trying to keep it happenin at 30,000 feet. Check out this radio host from Australia as he streaks right down the middle of the crowded plane.

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