Redneck Beef! Larry the Cable Guy Vs. Honey Boo Boo’s Family
I for one would pay up to $40 dollars to see Ol' Crusty Neck Maw-Maw a.k.a. Honey Boo Boo's mom June Shannon and Larry the Cable Guy throw-down in a mud-pit or possibly a trash dump for the all time title of White Trash Supreme!
Is there going to be a Redneck Beef between Larry the Cable Guy and the family from "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo"? If there is a God on high there will be, and it will be televised!
Over the weekend, Larry told the paparazzi that he IS a redneck but not a lower-class redneck like Honey Boo Boo's family. He said, quote, "I'm a redneck , I'm not a Honey Boo Boo redneck, I'm a Larry the Cable Guy redneck, there's a big difference between the two rednecks."He added that there are "stages" but the "majority" of rednecks are like him, where, quote, "the food's not as greasy."
Check Out Larry's Video: