Purse Lost In Texas School in 1959 Found After Renovations

A purse lost 63 years ago in the walls of a Texas school was found during recent renovations to convert the building into a community center. Clear Creek ISD found the purse in their League City School building. League City is located roughly between Houston and Galveston.
Luckily, the purse contained many identifying items such as photographs dating back to 1946. The name written on the wallet inside the purse is Beverly Williams. There was even a note from the child's mother signed, "Mrs. Frank Williams", so Beverly's father was discovered as well, along with her sisters and friends from labeling on photographs. Clear Creek ISD released a video about how the purse was found during demolition work, in hopes of finding Beverly, so that they could return her long lost purse.
It wasn't long after that Beverly's family was found, along with one of her friends whose picture was in the purse. Sadly, Beverly passed away in 2015, but her children were delighted at the discovery, with one daughter quipping, "this is by far the smallest purse she ever carried."
After examining and enjoying the contents of the purse, which her daughter saw as, "a smile from heaven," Beverly's family decided to donate it to the League City Historical Society so that others could enjoy it and learn from it. This video is really quite heartwarming. Her friend never forgot her or her kindness, even after over 60 years apart. It's an amazing reminder that the love we show other people can stay with them for decades upon decades.
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