Police Were Told Man Was Shot With Pellet Gun, But It Was Actually a Rifle

Lubbock Police Department officers responded to a shooting on Wednesday, July 6th expecting to find someone shot by a pellet gun. Instead officers found out the weapon was a real rifle.
It's said that the unnamed victim and the suspect, 18-year-old Angel Jones, were having an argument in the 500 block of North Martin Luther King Boulevard. Jones told police that the victim was getting "loud and vulgar," so he grabbed a rifle. KAMC News reports that after the victim threatened to get a gun of his own, Jones opened fire.
The victim was shot at around 5 times, but the first 2 shots from the rifle were apparently blanks. Jones told police that he knew the victim was hit at least once in his lower abdomen.
After opening fire, Jones was apparently still mad, so he turned to the victim's car and shot at it multiple times. Police were able to note "substantial damage" to the vehicle. Police arrived and found shell casings on the property. They also determined that when Jones fired at the vehicle, he was also firing in the general direction of an apartment building, which was "reckless" since there were people inside of the building.
Jones was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and remains in the Lubbock County Detention Center on a $20,000 bond.
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