Trees take a long time to grow and become big. The City of Lubbock's McCullough Park was starting to get some good ones. These trees were planted and taken care of by employees and volunteers.

So when the Lubbock Parks and Recreation posted the sad news that someone came and destroyed 15 trees with something like an axe, we had to get to the bottom of it.

They say the Lubbock Police Department is trying to get to the bottom of it and investigating, but there have been no updates on the vandals who caused this terrible destruction.

You can see the sad pictures of what the trees look like now.

In total, about 13 cottonwoods and 2 pine trees were ruined. These trees were only planted two years ago. The City has already stepped up to replant some of the trees, but the people who did this need to be held responsible.

According to KCBD, "Lieutenant Brady Cross, with the Lubbock Police Department, says the approximately valued damage, in this case, is $7,500. That makes this crime a state jail felony and could mean up to two years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000."

If you know what happened to these trees and who did it and come forward with the information, you could be eligible for reward money if an arrest is made.

If you know anything about what happened, please call the Crime Line at: (806) 741-1000.

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