Did you know that there are ways to tell if a pear is ripe and also ways to ripen it so it doesn't have a grainy texture?

We talked with Brenda Duby with United Supermarket families about these things and viturally all things 'pears'.

She said that if you gently squeeze the neck of a pear and it gives slightly, then it's ripe and ready to eat.

If you pick a pear and let it ripen off of the tree, you will have smooth texture and not the grainy texture they are commonly associated with. And don't peel the skin.  It contains phytonutrients, which means it can help fight cancer and has anti aging properties.

You can also add pears to your salads, tuna or chicken salad and bake them for a dessert or addition to a meal. Just remember that when you bake fruit, it increases the sugar content significantly.

There are also great items available to spruce up your toast, bagels or English muffins like pear jam, preserves, jelly or pear butter.

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