Sixty three feet may seem like nothing to most people, but for Tami Martin they were arguably the most important steps in her life.

Martin surprised everyone when she walked down the aisle at her wedding with the help of a walker tucked underneath her wedding dress. The steps were a long time coming.

Martin lost the use of her legs after breaking her back during a car crash in 1999 and was told she's never walk again. After the accident, she started physical therapy but later quit.

"I'd taken a break because I gained a lot of weight, and I broke my leg doing physical therapy," Martin said.

But her goal, walking up to her husband-to-be Rob Dietrich at the altar, helped Martin focus.

With the assistance of weight loss surgery and a newfound determination, she was able to shed 192 pounds before her big day.

Martin's next goal? Walking completely on her own without the help of a walker.

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