Monomyth Coffee is set to open May 25th near Texas Tech University campus at 2024 Broadway, according to Lubbock in the Loop, their Facebook page and the sign in their window.

With more than a decade of combined experience, brothers Trenton and Randall Jackson are extremely enthusiastic about bringing you the coffee you want and making you happy. Here's what they shared on their Facebook page:

Monomyth Coffee is for the people. Our greatest desire is to make you happy. With your generosity, our dream of bringing the most inviting coffee experience to Lubbock will come to to life.
Brothers Trenton and Randall Jackson have had the idea of running a business together since childhood. Upon finding jobs in the specialty coffee industry they knew that running a coffee company was something they wanted to do. Trenton and Randall have been involved in the specialty coffee industry for over a decade combined.


We look forward to a phenomenal coffee experience. Welcome to Lubbock, Monomyth Coffee!

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