Miss Costa is a 12'6" 1,668 pound Great White beauty who is now the official shark of the summer for Talk 1340 and the live local shows Ryan Hyatt's Raiderland and the Rob Breaux Show w/ Karson Robinson.

You can generally catch Miss Costa in the Gulf of Mexico, though she's been up and down the East coast. I'd like to think Miss Costa is terrorizing the coast and takes that Gulf mentality when she roams East bopping seals and anything smaller than her.

If you want to keep up with Miss Costa you can follow her here, or just listen along on Ryan Hyatt's Raiderland from 11-12pm every weekday. You can also hear update's on the Rob Breaux Show on weekday's starting at 9am.

Along with Miss Costa Shark updates things we'll be covering include, Jarrett Culver in the NBA draft, Texas Tech recruiting news, assorted Major League Baseball topics, what condiment is best on Allsup's Gut Bombs and we'll be catching up with ex-Red Raiders all summer long.

It will be a wild ride so be sure to join in.

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