It's only fair that the ladies have their own place to go to ogle the opposite sex, right?

According to Tallywackers' Facebook Page, they are opening up a location in May and are currently hiring male servers (who apparently need to have no body hair if you go by the photos).

By the way, Tallywackers? Seriously? It's about as clever as Hooters and leaves just as little to the imagination.

Tallywackers Head of Marketing Winston T. Lackey says this place is for anyone to enjoy:

Our main goal with Tallywackers is to create a fun and entertaining environment for anyone to enjoy, That said, we understand that there will be some people who are uncomfortable here, just as there are women who are uncomfortable at Hooters.

Lackey confirms that the bar will be gay-owned and operated, but they are reaching out beyond the LGBT crowd. There will be live entertainment from Thursday-Saturday that will be "cabaret-like".  He says they are targeting women as well as the gay establishment.

And yes, they do have hotdogs on the menu in case you were wondering.



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