KISS FM knows when the Taylor Swift tickets are going on sale, and we will have a special KISS Club VIP member presale. We'll give you a code and you can buy them before anybody else in town. We will let you know Thursday at midnight, so sign up with our VIP Club, or follow us on Twitter because we'll post a link there too. Get ready , and get your concert cash ready because this will happen really fast! You will be buying tickets in less than 2 weeks! Your presale code is coming to your email soon. Until then check out some of my favorite Taylor videos.

This one is from the episode of CSI she was on, and this was the song they used for the whole show.

Here's a new one called "Mean", and the video is funny.

And of course everybody's favorite, Love Story.

Remember, your presale code is coming this week! Sign up to be a KISS Club VIP, or follow us on Twitter to get the code.

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