We have survived that icy weather and if you were too busy trying to figure out if you kid, or grandkids, were going to school that you missed some very important news well we have that recap this Monday.

If you missed the big news every Texan's favorite animated adult show is coming back on Hulu, that's right King of the Hill is being revived. As someone who grew up watching the show then I can tell we all have some thoughts on what we think of this return. Along with that return a green comet came back and was visible to millions of people but I forgot about it so hopefully many of you saw it.

There is some bad/good news that has been making the rounds and that is the probability of a new housing development on 19th Street which is great for incoming Texas Tech students. The downside is that it will add on to the already construction filled area and possibly make driving in the area worse than living outside the city limits and trying to order a pizza. I know that personal struggle.

Speaking of food Valentines day and the NFL Championships are days apart so maybe one of 50 Whataburger Valentines gift on top of some of the best foods to bring to that party. Make sure to stay out of trouble this week because  you do not want to be broken up with and miss the game while being held in the Lubbock County Detention Center.

These 38 mugshots are of people who were arrested during the week of January 30 through February 5, 2023 and held in the Lubbock County Detention Center. Everyone featured is innocent until proven guilty and have only been charged with at least one felony, be it State Jail Felony, Third Degree Felony, Second Degree Felony, First Degree Felony, a Capital Felony or were arrested and held on a Fugitive Warrant or Detainer, a United States Marshall Remand, or Immigration Customs Enforcement Detainer.

Lubbock's Mugshot Monday: (January 30 - February 5, 2023)

38 mugshots of people arrested and held in the Lubbock County Detention Center the week of January 30 - February 5, 2023

22 Texas Children That Went Missing January 2023

Photos of 22 Texas children that went missing in January, have you seen them?

Which of 12 Texas Inspired Zodiac Signs Is Your Lone Star Sign?

12 astrological zodiacs signs reimagined as Texas themed zodiac signs

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