Lubbock’s Buddy Holly Center To Celebrate Barbie
Lubbock's Buddy Holly Center (1801 Crickets Ave) will host an exhibition including art works of various mediums in honor of the ever iconic Barbie Doll. The exhibition will run January 26 through March 18, 2018; with a panel discussion February 8, 2018 from 6 - 8 PM. Some 'mature' content will be on display.
Barbie was first introduced into the American consciousness in 1959 and has remained a toy store staple since. Barbie and her friends have been in countless movies, artworks, mentioned in songs and more.
My cousin collected them obsessively and staying in her "Barbie Room"- with hundred of boxed dolls staring down at me, gave me really strange nightmares. Despite this, I am excited for this exhibition that really speaks to me as a girl who grew up in what must have been Barbie's biggest heyday- the late 80s/ early 90s.
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