Lubbock: This is Your Sign to Rekindle That Long-Lost Friendship
As we grow older, there is one thing we all come to know is some way or another. Not all friendships last the test of time.
Whether you slowly grow apart, something happens that creates a divide, or you make the choice to part ways, many friendships eventually come to an end. While it can feel peaceful and meant to be for some relationships, there can also be times where you still miss that person every day, but don’t know if they feel the same.

A few years ago, I drifted away from someone I deeply cared about. Our lives changed, we went our separate ways, and it hurt. It was an abrupt and difficult end to a highly cherished relationship, leaving both sides with a lot of conflicting feelings and pain to work through.
We occasionally kept in touch for the next three years, wishing happy birthdays and sharing fond memories. But those messages lessened over time.
I missed them so much during but didn’t know if they felt the same. I assumed they moved on and didn’t think of me as often as I thought about them. But that way of thinking turned out to be wrong.
I finally built up the courage to reach out, wanting to air my feelings and gauge theirs, to find that they had been thinking of me just as often. The same pain brewing in their heart.
We talked things through, airing our grievances and hearing each other out. In the end, we decided that we wanted to try and make things work again. We both still love and care about each other so much, and we want to see if we can rekindle even a hint of the friendship we once had.
I am incredibly happy and proud of myself for taking the step to reopen a door I thought was closed for good. I highly suggest you do the same if there is a person you’d like to reconnect with. The worst that could happen is they say they’d rather keep things how they are. Or, you regain a friend that you once cherished and can form a new, potentially stronger, bond.