Lubbock Police Introduce A New Way To Make Your Fireworks Calls Feel Ignored

It's that time of year again. Firework stands are going up and Independence Day Weekend is getting closer. We all know what will start happening soon: neighbors setting off fireworks. We all know it's illegal within the City of Lubbock to set off fireworks, but year after year our street sounds like a war zone.
When I younger, I really didn't care much. But as I got older I started worrying about silly things like my yard or house catching on fire during a drought. I also have a dog that hates fireworks and a puppy who... well, I don't know yet, but she already weighs about 45 pounds, so her getting scared isn't something I want to deal with.
Fortunately, the people who set off the fireworks in our neighborhood usually wrap it up by 11 p.m. I consider myself lucky as I know people who live in areas where the fireworks/shelling doesn't stop until past 2 a.m. Some of these folks have young kids or babies that are woken up and some have to go to work the next day while being woken up all night long.
So what's one to do if your neighbors are loud and out of control? Call the police! But years after the Lubbock Police Department asked for fireworks calls to be directed to the non-emergency number, the department is rolling out a new tool, an online form.
It's called Coplogic and went up on the Lubbock Police Department's website back in May. Now you can complain about your neighbor's fireworks shows by filing a report, according to a press release:
The online option, which is through the new reporting system called “Coplogic,” which debuted on the Lubbock Police Department website in May, is located at www.Lubbockpolice.com under the “Reports and Forms” tab.
Upon selecting “File Crime Report,” the system will take the user to a separate page, allowing them to select the incident type “fireworks“.
The report, which can be made either anonymously, or with reporting party information, will populate the information to dispatch, who will in turn relay the information to officers.
LPD makes it clear that you can still call the non-emergency line at (806) 775-2865, but they would really like you to file the form.
And while I'm sure the Lubbock police will follow-up on all forms submitted online, if you felt like your call or calls to LPD last year were ignored, this new way of submitting your fireworks complaints probably won't make you feel any better. I wonder if you get an email confirmation once police make contact...assuming they do.
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