Lubbock Needs to Invest in a Full-Time Vet for Animal Shelter
Right now, the folks at the Lubbock Animal Shelter have a bit of a problem.
The problem is a lack of vets who are willing to do low-cost spay and neuters for pets. The amount the city pays really doesn't cover much, mostly just the stuff to perform the procedure. So it's really a lack of volunteer time.
The smart thing to do is to invest in a person to perform these procedures and keep up with the general health of the animals to make them more adoptable. If people are willing to take and embrace the idea of pets that can't reproduce, we can get a handle on the pet population around here.
I'd like to suggest that the city look into the cost of euthanasia and disposal and see if we can't put some of those funds towards fixing and treating animals instead. It's just not right that some animals are born just to die unwanted in an animal shelter. We can do better for our furry friends.
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