Like a lot of kiddos in the 806 I grew up with skinned knees, sprained ankles and scabbed over elbows all thanks to my Vision  "Gator" skateboard. Everywhere I went, it went. No matter how many miles I needed to go, it got me there. I dreamed of skating with guys like Tony Hawk and Jay Adams, my life consisting of one long summer that never ends. Well as you can see none of that happened, but I must admit I did nothing in way of chasing down that dream.

That cannot be said for 19 year old Lubbock native Eric Brown.  Eric like myself lives and breathes skateboarding and when it comes to street skating he is the best in West Texas. Unfortunately for Eric the skate scene in Lubbock is not as big as other places. So what do you do? Forget your dreams? Give up and settle? For most people, yes. For Eric? NO! He packed up his board, talents and dream and started to chase down exactly what he wants out of life. When it comes to the East Coast skate scene, Kansas City, Missouri is one of the hot spots. Working a fast food job for little money and skating every free second that he has, Eric hopes to someday make it big in the exploding world of skateboarding and in turn perhaps inspire the kiddos of Lubbock to dream big and not take "no" for an answer.

Eric will be back in the hub in a couple weeks for a local skate competition sponsored by Rip Tank Board Shop. Good luck Eric. From a guy who let his dreams stay dreams, I hope you catch your dream by the tail and the ride is as remarkable as you are. -Biggy

Check out Eric in action:

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